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I am Zlatan Lipljanac. I was born in Banja Luka where I live and work as a photographer. About ten years ago, with the purchase of the first "serious" digital camera, my interest in photography began. In addition to the usual photographic work in my free time, I like to visit nature and I try to capture its beauties in the best possible way. Also, I like to photograph concerts and so far I  had the opportunity to photograph the performances of many stars of the regional music scene.


Ja sam Zlatan Lipljanac. Rodjen sam u Banja Luci gdje zivim i radim kao fotograf. Prije desetak godina kupovinom prvog "ozbiljnijeg" digitalnog aparata pocelo je moje zanimanje za fotografiju. Pored uobicajenog fotografskog posla u slobodno vrijeme volim da obilazim prirodu i  trudim se da njene ljepote zabiljezim na sto bolji nacin. Pored prirode volim da fotografisem i koncerte i do sada sam imao priliku fotografisati nastupe brojnih zvijezda regionalne muzicke scene.



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