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My name is Lazar Mihajlovic. I was born in Drvar in 1991, where I still live today. I have been doing amateur photography for more than two years. I am a big nature lover, which is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for photography. With my work I want to present to the world the natural beauty of the country in which I live. It is an honor and a pleasure to show the Balkans together with friends from the "Balkan photo community" through a photo you have never seen before.
Zovem se Lazar Mihajlovic. Rodjen sam u Drvaru 1991. godine gdje i danas živim. Bavim se amaterskom fotografijom nešto više od dvije godine. Veliki sam zaljubljenik u prirodu koja je neiscrpan izvor inspiracije za fotografiju. Svojim radom želim da predstavim svijetu prirodne ljepote zemlje u kojoj živim. Cast mi je i zadovoljstvo da zajedno sa prijateljima iz ’’Balkan photo community’’ prikažem Balkan kroz fotografiju kakvu još niste vidjeli.
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