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Hello, my name is Alen Tiro, I am amateur photographer based in Sarajevo, capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Photography is my big passion and love, which I am in for almost 3 years now. My favorite style is Street Photography and i just enjoy walking down the streets with my camera. As I said, inspiration for my photos are streets and people of my hometown, and also I love take photographs of mountains and nature that are surrounding my city. Photography is truly amazing hobby that connects people from all over the world, and that's amazing thing. 


Moje ime je Alen Tiro, amaterski sam fotograf iz Sarajeva, glavnog grada Bosne i Hercegovine. Fotografija je moja velika strast i ljubav,a u kojoj sam 3 godine. Moj omiljeni stil je Street fotografija i naprosto uživam hodati ulicama sa aparatom. Kao što sam rekao moja inspiracija su ulice i ljudi u mom gradu i takoder volim fotografisati planine i prirodu koja okružuje moj grad. Fotografija je moj istinski hobi koji povezuje ljude iz cijelog svijeta i to je predivna stvar.

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