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My name is Ammar Selmanovic, I come from Bihac, Bosnia And Herzegovina. I am into photography about 2 and a haldf years and my passion lays in Landscape photography. I am contestant of many photography competitions and holding the first place for the best photo of river Una in 2018 year, also my photo was selected by National Geographic editor and editor's choice on, also i am certified contestant on 35awards international photography competition.In my city and country i have sent many initiatives. I am here to be united with my friends from Balkan to help each other promote our work and as that...United we stand.



Ja sam Ammar Selmanovic iz Bihaca, Bosna i Hercegovina. Bavim se fotografijom malo vise od 2 godine. Natjecatelj mnogih takmicenja vezanih za fotografiju i imam osvojeno prvo mjesto za najljepšu fotografiju rijeke Une za 2018 godinu, takoder moja fotografija je selektirana sa strane National Geographic editora i editors choice na stranici, certificirani sam takmicar sam na 35awards internacionalnom foto takmicenju. U svom gradu i drzavi sam pokrenuo mnogo inicijativa vezanih za fotografiju. Ovdje sam da stojim ujedinjeno sa svojim prijateljima sa Balkana i da promovisem nas rad.

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